
Environmental custodianship has become everybody’s responsibility. That’s true in everyday life, as well as across all the industries that provide for our needs and fuel our growth. In the piping industry, this awareness has brought about many positive changes that have led to the safer handling of liquids and gases, more efficient use of energy in the production and installation of complex piping systems, and an overall reduction of waste.

At Gerab, we have accompanied our clients’ transition into a more ecological approach to operations. Recognizing that everybody along the supply chain shares the same sustainability objectives has resulted in integrating new technologies for planning piping networks, innovative composite materials, optimized production processes, and more efficient logistics.

Sustainability in the Piping Industry

Better Planning

The advent of AI and increased data availability have revolutionized planning in the piping industry. Now, it’s possible to select the most suitable pipe system materials for specific applications and environments, resulting in significant reductions in leaks and reliability issues. Industries such as oil & gas, desalination, civil, and process have benefitted from the adoption of composite materials and alloys that can handle aggressive chemicals and harsh environments. These pipes and fittings adhere to exacting specifications, ensuring compliance with international regulations. Good planning also encompasses refurbishment and recycling, extending the lifespan of pipe system materials, and minimizing waste.

Improved Production

Information-enabled planning has optimized production processes, leading to more sustainable practices throughout. By carefully selecting pipe materials, designing efficient pipe systems, and adopting automated production methods, we have achieved better sustainability throughout the manufacturing process. We have incorporated advanced materials such as new alloys and composites, embraced automation and process improvements, and brought in extra energy conservation measures. This approach allows us to minimize waste, conserve resources, and reduce carbon emissions from production and installation operations. Collaboration with international suppliers, contractors, and consultants, as well as regulatory authorities, industry bodies, and logistics providers, further enhances production by facilitating the exchange of best practices and coordination.

Sustainability in the Piping Industry

Optimized Handling

The benefits of sustainability measures extend beyond production to logistics operations. At Gerab, sustainability considerations have permeated every aspect of our operations. By adopting modern industry best practices, we pioneered the introduction of a dedicated procurement team that ensures efficient management of stock levels. This approach guarantees the availability of the right products to our customers without excess inventory and its associated shipping and handling costs and emissions. By collaborating with suppliers, customers, and logistics operators, and the adoption of 3P lean manufacturing principles, we have found ways together to make progress towards streamlined production, reduced waste, and increased efficiency. Robotics, monitoring, and automation systems have further contributed to reduced carbon emissions in our logistics operations. These advancements enable us to meet challenging and dynamic client requirements promptly and provide advanced logistics support for all their pipe system needs whilst still taking a responsible attitude towards the environment.


Sustainability objectives are common for everybody along the supply chain of pipe systems. Collaboration naturally occurs among stakeholders looking to optimize operations and reduce harmful emissions. The adoption of AI and other technological advances in pipe system materials, production processes, logistics, and project management, are combining to create a piping industry that improves operations and protects the environment.


This shift in approach has led Gerab to invest in state-of-the-art software, adopt industry best practices, and invest in logistics. Sustainability has become an integral consideration across every aspect of our pipe system supply operations, and the collaborative approach we have adopted has contributed to the transformation of relationships between clients, suppliers, producers, shippers, and consultants into one of partnership toward a common good.